The Rules


I am sending out Hall of Fame ballots to former ballplayers – who deserve a vote – with the following additional stipulations:

  1. A ballplayer will cast his vote for 0-10 candidates (to remain consistent with the rules of BBWAA) and then also be able to give a secondary vote to any additional ballplayers whom they believe to be deserving.
  2. A ballplayer is not permitted to vote for themself; however, they will not be penalized for casting a ballot on which they do not vote for themself, e.g. if 100 ballots are cast, they are casting a ballot but also on the ballot and since they cannot vote for their self, their percentage will be compared to 99 ballots, rather than the total 100.
  3. A ballplayer may elect to vote publicly or anonymously, in the event that they wish to remain anonymous, their ballot will be listed by “an anonymous ballplayer from (team for which they played and choose to identify as).”
  4. A ballplayer will also have the opportunity to cast a “bonus” vote for both Pete Rose and Shoeless Joe Jackson.